Be Russki!

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How To Be Russian in CS : GO 

Well, sometimes in cs go we meet russki players. well blyat, how to blend with them? here are my suggestion. 

1. Speak Russian Words 
Even if you can't speak fully russian sentences, just speak some word like 'blyat', 'cyka', 'piztdyetz' and so on. 

2. Rush B 
You need to Rusb B, and you must to know why to rush b. If you don't, then you're not a ruski blyat. I know it, really, but, you must find it yourself. 

3. Learn Russian 
If you really want to be a russki blyat, then start learning russian so you can speak with your ruski teammates, as if you're real russian. 

4. P90 
I must admit that the P90 is a good sprayer weapon, so use P90 and Rusb B! 

5. Be A Russki Leader
How to be a russki leader? simple, go with P90 and go Rush B! lead your team to B Bomb Site. 

Have you felt the russki effect? I have, everytime I want to type 'russian', I always type 'russki'. But, It's okay. So, Be Ruski! 

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